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There is no treasure on Earth like the treasure that awaits us in heaven. Isn’t that ultimately the most important treasure? Shouldn’t that be where our heart lies?

That’s why we must practice giving, tithing and partnership to show God that our heart lies not in our wealth on Earth, but in a wealth of spirit and faith. Nothing we own is as great as that which we will one day inherit in heaven.

Faith in His Faithfulness

Ultimately, we tithe to the anointing that we find spiritual covering and nourishment from and to thank God for the . But tithing is also a way to thank God for blessings and make room for more blessings in the future. It is a way to sow, to invest in the church, so that all may reap the blessings to come.

When you tithe, be prepared for your generosity to come back to you in equal or greater measure.

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