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Building a Healthy Prayer Life.

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

Quality prayer time is something that we all desire, to walk out of prayer with a sense of fulfilment and connection with God. We all have been there where you are praying and you feel like you are hitting a wall or you words are echoing back at you and hitting you in the face. It's frustrating and demotivating and if it happens long enough it will kill you prayer life totally.

Without sufficient motivation prayer can feel pointless. Remember this the act of engagement in prayer requires our body soul and spirit in perfect agreement. This is the focus, when you pray with your heart, mind, body and spirit all in unison. It is in this state that prayer becomes enthralling and most transformative. The presence of GOD becomes tangible and the life of the spirit flows through us energizing and refreshing us anew.

Prayer starts before it starts

The act of a connected prayer starts inside, deep within the recesses of your being. In the book of Mathew Jesus says to Peter James and John "my spirit is deeply grieved, let us go and pray". This is what is called a burden. I have nothing against spontaneous prayer, it serves its purpose as the Holy Spirit wills. Yet transformative prayers need to come from deep within your soul. This is the seat of your emotions and we sometimes sense the will of the Holy Spirit through our emotions. What are emotions are picking up on is our internal spiritual weather. In the case of Jesus he sensed there is a storm coming. And his spirit was giving him signals that he was sensitive enough to pick on.

Knowing when the time is right.

The right prayer at the wrong time can be a massive source of pain. In the late 2009 most of my friends started getting married and as I watched them go I felt the pressure and began praying for marriage rigorously fasting for break through. I never completed none of those fasts. They where hard, dry and empty; there where coming from a good intention but wrong time. When a burden has not matured the grace is insufficient and how you know is that dryness in your prayer. Jesus prayer in the mount of transfiguration was not wordy and fancy "if it is possible let not your cup pass away from me. Not my will but your will". He went on for hours the burden was ripe giving off sweat of blood he was giving birth in spiritual labour. Had he prayed in the wrong time that prayer would have had no fruit. Knowing what the Holy Spirit wants you to pray for is one thing, knowing when to pray for such may be the difference between a novice intercessor and a seasoned prayer master.

Know who to pray with.

Come on let's admit it; no mater who you are your knees at one point or the other will become jelly. You want to pray but you have no strength. You need prayer partners. But you need 3 kinds of prayer partners that's why Jesus went with the three.

  1. Prayer Peers - this one is probably the most important one someone who is at the same level with you spiritually and understanding. I credit a lot of my growth to having like minded peers who love the lord as where as hungry as I am. Prophet Solomon was one of them. He saw seasoned in prayer inspirational and always ready to go. And pray we did just remembering those days sends shivers down my spine. We where sold out to the point of self destruction.

  2. Prayer Pillars - your pillars are your source of spiritual strength. This is Apostle Java for me I can count the number of times I prayed with him but the sessions I had with him changed my life for ever. You need to pray with someone who outprays you not in words but in weight. Such a person will affect your spirit and your atmosphere and after we would have prayed God would speak to him and he would share revelation guidance or plan simple lay hands on me for establishment. May He live long in Jesus name.

  3. Prayer Cups - Pray with people you can pour into. These are people you are higher in grace over. These are people you can put into, that place a demand on your gift. In 2007 my and my brother Pastor Tinashe we started praying in our local church in Glen view. For 7 months it was just me and him daily travailing in prayer as we petitioned God for his grace. By the time he left for Perth, Australia I was way ahead of my peers and then people started to join me in. We moved from church to our house and as the fellowship that's what we called it. (Not the fellowship of the rings). This was the fellowship of prayer and my spirit became incendiary. Whoever came in contact with me as they still do was set on fire for prayer. I watched people who had never prayed a day in their life turned to prayer warriors of note. The blessing was it pushed me to be hungry so I could feed those around me. I had a sense of responsibility that I found not neglect them or myself.

This is masters great example to us about prayer and we can do it. We can be awoken once again to seek his face and find refuge in him. We can be veterans of spiritual war and moving centres of revival. If God can do this no reason not life a dry and prayerless life.

Position matters

When Jesus instructs his disciples in one of his first and most prolific message; the sermon on the mount. He notes " when you pray(not if) do not be like the Pharisees for they love to stand on street corners and squares , speak lofty words and wear long garments. But go to your house and into into your innner room and your closet and close the to and pray to your father in secret. ". This is a very specific and meticulous instruction that guides on seeking a secret place

God speaks to Elijah and says I have 7000 prophets that I have hidden in caves. Great destinies are forged in secret. In my season of prayer my bedroom started to have a charectoristic stench of sweat and steam from the countless closeted hours of prayers behind closed doors. This what one must have a place that no one has access to you. That when you go in there there are not distractions from others or from you. In that place o guarantee you, if you can give yourself enough you will become an amber of burning coals searing the enemy's hold on you in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah

Godbless you and let's keep praying

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