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What Makes Prayer Work

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

What makes Prayer to work….is it just one single principle or its a combination of? If so what is the most important? When it comes to such important things as a prayer I like to take a critical look at the subject and understand it in principle, not exhortation or pulpit rhetoric.

Remember (i speak as pastor as though to another) when you read any book, listen to any sermon, or any teaching. You will find the voice, the message, the story, the rhetoric, and the principles. what changes your life there is not all but the last. Because principles once understood you apply them daily and are able to get expected outcomes despite the parties involved. Let’s make it simpler when you understand the principles of algebra, addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, no matter where you are, what you are doing, or what you adding the outcome is the same. The answer doesn’t change because you are sick or you adding stones or dividing rats or the inventor of algebra doesn’t like you. In fact, principles are meant to make sure systems run efficiently in spite of personalities. When you master them they guarantee you a positive outcome.

Understand the kingdom of God is a very delicate system that’s why it works daily you wake up eat drink, the angel delivers messages on time in time and the devil keeps his place. The book of Psalm 138: says He has exalted his word above himself. The word there is not scripture its principles contained in scripture. personalities which is “himself” are subject to temperament, actions influenced by emotion. But the bible is saying he has put his principles above his emotions. Remember in the wilderness God repented and wanted to kill off Israel and dump a 450-year-old project to start over because they made him mad.

What did Moses do; he reminded God of the higher principles. You are mercy Deut 4. And God repented of his repentance. Nothing gets to God like principles. Faith is a principle, but not the only principle. Whenever you find a principle in the bible that’s what is called revelation. Enlightenment that’s it, Paul speaks about in Ephesians 1:17–18 when a knowledge so powerful it hits your heart that your whole being resonates with the transforming power of the holy spirit. Note I say heart not mind. Mental knowledge puffs up 1 Corinthians 8:1. but heart knowledge transforms. If you are looking for real power to defeat satan, chanting the name of Jesus will not do it, we all know that, either regurgitating prayer points or echoing your pastor’s prayer. The real power comes from within, from enlightenment the light of the holy spirit hits your heart and you become aware at a spiritual level that truth is now within me. Here is the truth when that understanding has got you whatever you do is done through that truth, that enlightenment. I may not have said much there but when you deal with satan deal with him with faith in principles.

In Jude Michel with all his power presumed not to fight Satan contending over the body of Moses but said may the Lord rebuke you. not must, not will not now a seemingly unconfident request. What was Michel doing he fought the prince of Persia in Daniel yet Satan he restrained. There is a principle in operation there “rank”. Now every time you have failed to get the desired outcome it has nothing to do with God, mostly we are failing to follow God’s principles. A believer’s journey is a journey of knowing God through his Law by the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel 11: 19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, 20 that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Search the scriptures through the holy spirit, or let someone search for you, but taking what you have found and putting it into your heart that no one can do for you. Joshua 1 The word my servant Moses committed to you meditate on it. That’s the next whatever is good whatever is lovely whatever is kind think on these things.

When you have that you have a depth of spirit when you pray your prayer is filled with virtue and faith his presence and you see results. When it comes to prayer the single most important principle that you must remember is the condition of your heart matter more than the words of your mouth. That’s why the bible says to guard your heart jealously, not because of what goes in but comes out. whats that; prayer must come from the heart whether its tongues or understanding. It is because whatever it is your spirit is released or accessed through your heart. That’s why praying for marriage requires more resilience than ever.

Prayer is life

Marriage is a heart issue when a marriage fails or starts to fail or becomes troublesome. Its satans prime weapon against God’s plan, Its God’s key to the plan of salvation. Praying for a problem that you are in requires strength. Thus the key to your prayers about marriage is your heart. Hebrews 4:12 Romans 8 he discerns the heart. When you are in a marriage fight for the peace of your heart and mind as well as the purity of heart. I leave you with this Timothy 1:4 and Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

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