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Why you are fainting in Prayer ?

When we talk of prayer we often speak of it in terms of the spiritual virtue, the intimacy and the power of results that we get from it. Yet despite all this knowledge somewhere somehow our prayer lives fail totaly or they are sporadic and unsatisfying. The challenges often exit in the soul real; that is what happens in our hearts and minds.

This is important to understand because most of the time we learn of prayer we learn how to pray but not how to build a prayer life. This is a lifestyle of prayer where you are no longer just praying because you are in need but you are praying because you must and you find joy in it. For a long time i struggled with a spasmic prayer life, without direction, without consistency even as i was a minister. You would be surprised how many ministers do not have a consistent prayer life. God does not penalise you for not praying enough, but if you are aspiring for deeper depths of intimacy, prayer is not just an option it's a must.

Luke 18:1 "And jesus told them a parable to this end; men ought always to pray and not faint" We know we must pray always but yet we faint predictably and reliably. The condition of fainting is when your body temporarily shuts down to give you a chance to rest so that you don't damage yourself. Fainting is not a reflection of lack of intention or will but its a result of the will that does not match the strength. Thats most of us. I was watching the news recently about an olympic swimmer Alvarez who fainted under water during practice event and had to be rescued by her coach. Overwhelmed by the physical and mental exertion her body shut down.

Jesus' most zealous lieutenant Apostle Peter in the most critical hour of need together with his compatriots John and James fainted into sleep. When jesus came back dismayed he found them sleeping and asked could you not tarry with me for just one hour to which peter replied "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" Matthew 26:40-43. Isn't it amazing that Peter is fainting right in the company of Christ. People faint not for the lack of anointing or presence of God but for the weakness of the flesh.

Weakness is not sin

Weakness is not sin lest you condemn yourself it is simply a condition of an untrained and malnourished body and mind. This is true of those who have not built their prayer life with intention and objectiveness. What prayer form are you trying to achieve, even the most experienced prayer masters can faint. Are we to assume that Peter was not praying regularly certainly not. But when we find him in the book of acts going to the temple with John in the third hour of prayer something has certainly changed his poise and attitude was speaking of a man of strength. He had become well trained and cound tarry in prayer both in spirit body.

Just as in sport muscle strength is built through training thats what makes good athletes. Great prayer masters are trained through the power of the Holy Spirit not born or born again.

What Makes you faint in Prayer ?
  1. Weak will

  2. The lack of conviction

  3. Unruly mind

  4. Pressures of life

  5. Not knowing the Word of God

  6. Being untrained

  7. Lack of Clear Intentions

  8. Lack of a structured prayer plan

  9. Lack of spiritual awareness

These are some of the things that makes you faint in prayer. What must be done now to experience a change is to set a clear intention of what you want to see your prayer life like moving on from here. By deciding who you want to become as a woman or man of prayer you are empowering your will through a clear vision. The Holy Spirit in the book of romans 8:25 For we do not know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit of God helps us in our weakness" The weakness needs help. As a prayer coach some of what i do is to help individuals how to build a health and sustainable prayer life that will nourish you spiritually and prophetically.

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